Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Burlap, Buttons and Paint

Gobble, Gobble Glitterinas!

Thanksgiving is getting close.

In September I begin looking forward to cooking Thanksgiving dinner!

I also look forward to decorating with some seasonal touches around the house and setting a special table for this very traditional meal.

I wanted some new napkin rings that were burlap-y.....but I couldn't find I did what any crafter worth her hot glue gun would do.....I decided to make some!

Cruising around blogs, Pinterest, etc. yielded a virtual plethora of ideas.

I found some trim in the upholstery area of Hobby Lobby that looked just right for my project.

Snip, snip, snip.....

Then a little hot glue to hold the pieces in rings....I left a rough edge.

Decorate with some buttons from my stash.....

And Tah Dah......napkin rings!

Quick, Easy and just what I wanted!  Wow.

Could you use some new napkin rings?  

Give these a try......wouldn't some of these look cute on your table?

Well, the burlap and buttons part of the blog title has been taken care of.......let's get on with the paint.....

Painting a scarecrow welcome sign!

To begin this project, I wanted a good sturdy piece of wood.  A very kind and helpful man at Home Depot cut a sturdy piece of lumber into four pieces for me. 

One scarecrow sign and three more pieces of lumber......wahooooooo!

I sketched a face and the areas that would be his hat and shirt before I started any painting.

Let's get some painting done.....

Cute smile and a cloth nose....some details for his shirt.....

I used thin, black craft foam for the brim of his hat and eye triangles.....then added "Welcome" in white paint, some raffia hair, googly eyes, patches on his hat and a little tie.

Oh my.....I think he's pretty cute!

After everything was dry, I had to find where he wanted to live.

I like him best on the vintage quilt in the there he sits......welcoming guests into our dining room!

He looks like he has a five o'clock shadow....maybe he needs a new razor!

Mr. Scarecrow will be welcoming Thanksgiving guests.....

.....and the new little burlap-y napkin rings will be waiting on the dining room table when Thanksgiving dinner finally rolls around.

I wish you and yours a wonderful, safe, and happy Thanksgiving Day!

Thanks so much for stopping by today and spending time with me here at Pink Glitter.

I am so thankful for each and every one of you!

Until next time,

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Thankful Tree....and a Bit of This and That!

Hello Thankful Glitterinas!

How do you answer the question "What are you thankful for?" or to make the grammar police happy "For what are you thankful?"

I try to remember each and every day to be thankful for all of the wonderful blessings the Lord pours out over me!

This year I decided to make a Thankful Tree.  

I started with a tall pecan branch that has a lovely curve to it.....I used my electric cutter to make some leaves from pieces of pretty paper.

Next, I cut some small labels.

Then I punched out some round shapes to glue on some of the labels....I'll write on these.

What am I thankful for this year?






My list starts out almost the same every just gets longer!

This year I am very aware of the blessing of "abundance".

The leaves that have writing on them got an extra little piece of ribbon through the label and the rest of the leaves got a splash of glitter......then they all got a ribbon for hanging!

I anchored the pecan branch in a small carafe with some little, gravel rocks and then hung all the leaves.

This would be a fun project to do with children! 

At school, Sunday School, with grand children.....with whom could you make a Thankful Tree?

I put this little "tree" on a side table in the dining room.

I like the way this little reminder helps me to voice my answer to the question

"What are you thankful for, Tammy?"

Both daughters, our son-in-law, Papaw, and our busy grand~darlings will be joining my 
husband and I for our big Thanksgiving dinner. 

We are so blessed!

I want to share some fun things that will be waiting for everyone at the dining room table.

Activity placemats for the kids from Living Locurto.....and fun mini candy bar wrappers.

Crayon holder turkeys....gobble, gobble, gobble!

Pine cones, paper, and crayons......toooo fun!

Prizes for a Thanksgiving guessing game.....

Even the pumpkin wanted to dress up for the big day this year!

I have quite a list of things to be thankful about you?

I am so glad you stopped by Pink Glitter.  Thank you!

Please leave me a comment about some of the things for which you are thankful.

Until next time,

Thursday, November 21, 2013

She Who Plays with Dishes

Hello, you lovely Glitterinas!

I am so glad you stopped by can help me out!

You don't mind do you.....I just need your opinion!

I bought some cute, fall colored leaf dishes.  They are part of the Fall 2013 line from Better Homes and Gardens.....wait, it gets even better.....I found them at Wal Mart! 

I set five place settings using my new leaf plates with a different dinner plate for each one.  I am not sure which I like the I want to know which YOU like best.

I have my dining room table all decorated for fall.  I used some of my favorite things.

Some days the table gets a little added touch from outside.....

Beautiful autumn colors!

When we actually sit down to dine, I remove the little ladder.  I love it on the table, but it blocks conversation.....I certainly can't have that at dinner!

Let's take a look at the different place settings.....each one has the same silverware, glass, napkin and charger....oh, and the new leaf plate!  Each setting has a different dinner plate.

Let's take a look.......

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3
has an added bread plate on top.

Number 4

Last, but certainly not least.....
Number 5

So, what do you think?

Which is your favorite?

Which one would you want welcoming you to the table?

Please leave me a comment and let me know which is your know, if you really like two of them, that's OK.....

I like all five.....but I really love number__?__......

nope, I don't want to influence your decision.

Thanks so much for stopping by today and spending a little time with me as I play with my dishes!

You are so sweet!

Until next time,

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Rusty Wire Rack Gets a Makeover.....

Hello Glitterinas!

Are you enjoying Fall so far?  

We are having some cooler days and chilly nights here in central Texas....just as it should be!

My rusty wire rack from a previous post has gotten a makeover!

Here it was on the island table in the kitchen.....looking cute....

Here it is now.....on a side table in the dining room.

With the Thankful Tree arching above....

Gobble, come the turkeys!

It's their time to be a star!

I have no idea how long this little rusty wire rack will look like this....or how long it will stay here.

I like the way it looks, so it might make it until the Bunco girls come over.

We'll just have to wait and see!

Thank you so much for visiting me here at Pink Glitter!

Leave me a comment, please, about what you think of the rusty rack's makeover!

Counting my blessings,