Sunday, May 28, 2017

Gooey Potatoes....Very Easy and Very Yummy!

I love serving my family and friends who dine with us
good food.

If the recipe happens to be good and easy to 
prepare, it's definitely on my hit parade!

I want to share a recipe with you today that is 
both good to eat and easy to prepare.

Let's hear it for 
Gooey Potatoes!

They are a hit with eaters of all ages....

......shall we begin, Glitterinas?

Begin by washing and chopping up two potatoes 
for each person you'll be serving.

Then I always add a couple more potatoes 
to the bowl just for good measure.

I used small, red potatoes this time,
use the potatoes you have in your pantry.

Now, we're ready to mix up the gooey part....

into the bowl with the potatoes,
add a can of cream of mushroom soup.....

.....a large dollop of sour cream....

.....and a squirt of Ranch dressing.

Sometimes, I add a spoonful of room temperature 
butter, but I didn't this time.

Sometimes, I add a spoonful of mayonnaise,
but I didn't this time.

If there are any of these gooey additions you and your 
diners don't like, don't use them!

The main thing with this recipe is to add 
gooey goodness that you enjoy eating.

You want there to be plenty of 
gooey when you stir all the ingredients together.

Add salt and pepper to taste...

Give all the ingredients another good stir....
and pour it all into a greased baking dish.

Even the potatoes out in the dish....

.....finish it off with some grated cheese,
your favorite type.

And last but certainly not least....
some fried onions!

The gooey potatoes are ready for the oven.

I'm serving the potatoes with 
Panko Chicken.

Quite possibly the easiest recipe 
in the universe....

Place four chicken thighs in a baking dish,
sprinkle with salt,
and panko bread crumbs.

That's it!

These dishes can cook together.

350 degrees for 45 minutes to start....

.....check for doneness at 45 minutes,
usually the chicken will need another 10 minutes or 
so, just to make sure it's well cooked.

When the chicken and the potatoes are done 
remove them from the oven....the potatoes can come out 
before the chicken if they are cooked and bubbly.

I let these two dishes sit for about 5 minutes before serving them.

Serve them with a nice green salad and a beverage.

I hope you'll give these gooey potatoes a try.

Mix 'em up, bake 'em up 
and serve them some night when 
you want something hot and delicious
but don't feel like being 

Thank you so much for taking time to 
stop by Pink Glitter.

I appreciate it when you let me share 
a recipe or two with you!

Until next time,

Monday, May 22, 2017

House Numbers and a Photo Display

Welcome to craft time,

I have had two ideas bubbling around in my 
lil ol' noggin for a while.... was house numbers for the gate where 
FedEx, and other delivery people come 
up to the house...

.....two was a photo display made from 
an old bike wheel.

I had bought some large, black
numbers a while back in 
hopes a good idea would pop 
into my head....

....while I was showering,
washing dishes,
you know, my thinking time!

Inspiration struck when daughter 
brought me an old, 
rusty, crusty multi-loaf pan.

She found it in one of Papaw's barns 
and thought it looked like something 
I would like.

She was so very correct!

Here it is....

....after a scrubby bath and a sun bath 
to dry it!

Our address has four numbers and there are 
five loaf pans here, so I would have to add 

our name, maybe,

a piece of interesting 
old rusty, crusty, maybe not,

an initial, maybe,

what, what, what??

I had a corrugated tin heart that might work.

Here's a pic of how the numbers fit on the loaf pans.

I used E6000 adhesive for this project.

That stuff is great, but do not get it on you....

taking it off also removes skin....ouch!

If you re messy, like me, wear 
disposable gloves.

Here's the heart.....the size is perfect!
Don't you agree, Glitterinas?

All the numbers and the heart were glued in place
and here's my finished 
house number sign.

Here's a creative, art-y shot....

I really like the way it turned out.

What do you think, Glitterinas?

Project two was a photo display.

I had been on the lookout for 
an old bike wheel, but I just couldn't 
find one.

Well, one day, boom, 
I found an old wheel.

It was just 
waiting to go to my craft room!

I thought about painting it but decided 
against it.

I can always paint it in the future if 
the mood strikes!

I added an old glass door knob 
to the middle of the wheel.

(Thanks for the idea, Holly!)

I covered some small clothespins 
with sparkly washi tape....

....and gathered up some old photos of people 
I love very much!

Using my sparkly clothespins, I attached 
the photos to the 
spokes of the wheel.


Cute, huh?!

This is my sweet Sissy......what a cutie pie!

Here's my Mom being shy, along with her Mom 
and her brother, Leo.

Love those boots, Mom!

This photo display is going to live 
on the mantle for now.

I love seeing it every day.

I added some more pictures to fill out 
the wheel space...... I did have more clips!

Do you like my two projects?

Leave me a note and let me know what you
think about them.

Thank you so much for stopping by the 
craft room here at 
Pink Glitter!

I hope to spend some more time 
with you soon, Glitterinas.

Until next time,

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Is That a Watermelon.....Nope, It's a Shovel!

A shovel?!

Yes, Glitterinas, I painted an old,
rusty shovel head..... look like a slice of watermelon.

I didn't take any pictures of the process.


but it's certainly not 
brain surgery if I can do it!

I used indoor/outdoor paint for this project.

I painted the green rim and then painted the 
entire center section white.

Without the white under the pink, the rust would have 
kept it from looking pink.

I added the little white marks on the green rim 
just to add some interest.

I painted the pink in the center section 
leaving a small white band.

I used a stencil brush to pounce a 
little bit more white around on 
the white band.

Using a black Sharpie, I drew on 
a few seeds after the pink paint dried.

Done, and done!

Find an old shovel 
or any interesting piece of metal
and paint a 
slice of watermelon that will last you 
all summer long, Glitterinas!

Add a layer of protection with a spray of 
polyurethane and a raffia bow....

and you're done!

This slice of watermelon will live 
somewhere outside....but until I 
decide for sure, it will be sitting right here 
in the corner.

If you paint a slice of watermelon on something, 
please share a picture....
I'd love to see your creation!

You are wonderful to let me share 
projects with you, Glitterinas!

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Pickle-icious is a word, 
right, Glitterinas?

Well, if it's not, it should be!

I have a delicious, and fun pickle recipe 
for you today.

A fun pickle recipe?!

Did you just 
smile a little, Glitterinas?

I'm serious.....

Sweet Hot Pickles are a favorite 
around our house.

I love to make pickles using the old,
tried and true canning recipes....they are 

But today, we're just going to 
go crazy, simple with our pickle making.

Well, maybe we're not technically making 
pickles.....we're altering them!

Here we go.....
open a large jar of sliced hamburger dills.

Drain them....

.....set the jar with the drained pickles
 on the counter...

....taste one!  Yum....but soon to be 

Begin adding sugar.....just pour it right 
in on top of those little, green pickles!

All together you need to add about two cups of
sugar to the jar.

Here is when I call into service..... a chopstick.

Press it down the side of the jar moving the 
pickles to the center....making room 
for more sugar.

When you've gotten all the sugar added....
you'll sprinkle in some Tabasco sauce.

About 6-8 drops.

Add more if you like to live in spicy world!

That's all there is to it!

Wipe off the rim....and place the lid on tightly.

Turn the jar over on the counter 
and make sure there is NO leaking.

These pickles will be going into your 
refrigerator, so you want to make sure 
there is no leaking going on.

If there is a leak, you need to wipe the rim again 
and place that lid on tightly.

Place the jar into 
your refrigerator.....

.....and turn it over and give it a good shake 
every day 
for 5 days.

After 5 days of sitting, turning and shaking...

you have a jar of 
sweet, hot pickles that are 


Try these'll love them!

Take them to your next get-together and 
everyone will want your recipe!

It's up to you if you share it .....

or not....

it could be an old family secret recipe from 
Grandma's Great Aunt who served these pickles 
at every family gathering since the beginning of time
....and only shared it with you after you were 
sworn to secrecy with your hand on MeeMaw's apron!

I'm just being silly!

You are the best, Glitterinas!

Thanks so much for taking time 
to visit me here at 
Pink Glitter!

Cheers to pickles,