Wednesday, April 9, 2014

If At First You Don't Succeed......

.......tie a bow on it!

Yes, Glitterinas, a bow.....a big one!

I had an idea for a wreath.

One with some of my collection of silver baby cups on it.

My first attempt was......well.......kinda boring.

So, I tied a bow on it and TAH DAH....I loved it!

Let me show you what happened.

I clipped some dried grapevines from our fence and 
wrapped them around, around, and around....

Next, I picked out a few silver baby are most
of my collection on a shelf.

I'm lucky enough to have my baby cup, my sister's, 
my Mom's, and my father-in-law's baby cup!

There are also a few other lovelies that I have found at antique shops.

Hmmmm, how about these?

Yes, that's about the right amount.....

I looked through my ribbon stash and chose these to use to tie
the cups onto the wreath.

Tie some knots.....

Add a longer ribbon for hanging....

....and here you go!


oh, sorry, I dozed off....

that is one boring wreath.

Let's see what I can do to save this project....

 I re-arranged a couple of the cups and added a bow!

Wow, what a difference a bow makes.

Are you as amazed as I am?!

Now, this wreath needs a place to live.
I want to see where it looks best.....

I have a little, puffy, quilt heart hanging in the laundry room......

My new wreath might look good there.

I like it on the pale gray wall.

Let's see it on a white the master bathroom....

Well, that works, too!

Here it is on the pantry door.

It might look good just sitting on a chair on the dining room.

Several good choices.....good!

Want another look at the game changing bow?!

I am so glad I tied that bow on this new wreath.

Where do you think this wreath needs to live?
Let me know what you think!

Remember....if at first you don't succeed, tie a bow on it!

Please take a moment and leave me a comment so I'll know you were here.

Thank you so much, Glitterinas, for stopping by Pink Glitter today!

Until next time,

Partying with:*Free♥+Pretty+♥Things+♥For+♥You*+2%29

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