Oh my goodness Glitterinas,
do I have a treat for you!
I was lucky enough to be invited to go to a
floral design program at
Southern Floral Company
in Austin.
Walking into Southern Floral you are
greeted with vignettes like this....
The presenter we were looking
forward to seeing was
Els Teunissen.
She has worked all over the world
for 40 years as a cherished
floral designer.
Els has designed for parties, receptions,
corporate functions and even
grand occasions for the
Queen and King of Holland!
Before Els was known all over the
floral world, she was a
foreign exchange student from Holland.
Her first trip to the United States
took her to Thrall, Texas to the home
of Shirley and Jack Winterrowd,
my husband's home!
My husband, Papaw Jack and I all
trekked to Southern Floral
last weekend to watch this remarkably
gifted lady create beautiful floral designs.
Here is the woman of the hour with
Sweet Husband and Papaw Jack!
I think Els must have gone through the line
more than once when the Lord was
passing out talent!
This lady is amazingly creative
and funny
and knowledgeable
and personable
and warm
all rolled into one
fabulous person!
You can see that Sweet Husband and Papaw are
holding books......well, Els wrote a book, too!
Such loveliness.....
Let's get to the flowers.....
oh, Glitterinas,
prepare yourselves for some
majorly gorgeous
floral designs!
Yes, these are all real!
The afternoon was one beautiful arrangement
after another.....
Els shared some of her memories of Texas as
she designed.
She remembers asking if Texas really had snakes.
Shirley told her absolutely yes, and showed Els
a little wooden box with rattlesnake rattles in it!
Els just kept creating and entertaining us
for hours....
.....each time I looked over at Papaw he had a
smile on his face.
Shirley has gone to Heaven with her memories
of Els, but Papaw has his own of a
hard-working young lady who
spent a couple of months in Texas
and then went on to become a
global traveller.
Here are some more drool worthy
floral designs.....
Look at this container.....
This piece was about six feet long!
It was so striking!
This pink arrangement was crazy gorgeous!
I seriously considered snatching it and running for the
door.....but I didn't think my chances of a clean get away
were very good!
At the very end of her presentation, Els
made a bouquet of tulips and presented them to
It was a very touching moment with applause
and a couple of tears!
What stunning colors!
Papaw was sweet enough to share this
lovely bouquet with me....
.....he has a mischievous cat who I think
he was a bit concerned about.
These tulips remind me of the lovely and talented
lady I was lucky enough to meet.
Els, here's to 40 more years of
gorgeous and remarkable floral design!
You have some devoted fans here in Texas!
Until next time, Glitterinas,
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