Tuesday, September 20, 2016

There's a Whole Lot of Cute Going On!

Welcome, Glitterinas.

Thank you for opening up this post of 
Pink Glitter 
and sharing a moment or two with me.

There are piggies being born at 
Five Gables Farm.

They are so very funny,
and squeal-y,
and wiggly,
and hungry,
and just plain ol' cute!

Let me show you.....

So much cuteness......

They eat, sleep and use the restroom....
just like all other babies!

There's mamma.....

We have lots of visitors....

all ages....

everyone finds a piggy they like the best!

 I detected a little attitude here.....
what are you looking at?!

When it's nap time, there's a pile up....

This litter of Chester piggies were the 
first ones born.....so they are growing up first!

Serious cute, huh?

My husband puts so much work into these piggies.

But anything worth doing is worth doing well.

They will grow up and be sold to students who will be 
showing them and raising them for 
livestock projects.

Until they leave Five Gables Farm, though,
they'll be loved on, and carried around, and 

Thanks for letting me share some of our newest 
babies.....I hope they put a smile on your face!

Oink, oink until next time,

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