Monday, June 12, 2017

It's Red, White, and Blue Time!


Wow, Glitterinas, was that May that flew by and 
June that arrived?

I managed to get my red, white, and blue decorations 
out for Memorial Day.

I hope you took the opportunity to remember all the 
American heroes who sacrificed all, 
so we could enjoy our freedom!

I always enjoy getting out my patriotic
decorations this time of year....

.....I usually start by decorating the dining room table.
So, let me show you what our table is wearing 
this early summer season.

I found this quilt top several years ago and 
thought it would go well with my red, white, and blue things.

Looks good, right?!

I drape it over my little ladder and knot it at the back.

Here are some more things that found themselves on the 

The mantle got it's share of patriotic goodies, too!

I sprinkled a few more things around....

Some of my patriotic things have been 
purchased, some have been gifts, and some 
have been arts and crafts projects.

I've enjoyed decorating for the 
4th of July for years.....
and for the last two or three years I have 
included Memorial Day!

My favorite area this year turned out to 
be my plate rack in the dining room.

I'm not sure what it is that appeals to me so....
maybe the mix of plates...

maybe the little banner....

or the tiny star hangings....

not sure.....I just like it!
It makes me happy!

Is that silly, Glitterinas?

My kitchen did not escape 
the decorating frenzy.....

After a little tweeking, I decided 
I liked the jars in this tray.

What do you think, Glitterinas?

.....even tomatoes found their way to 
a tin bowl lined with festive napkins!

I hope your summer is going well, 
so far....

You are always 
here at Pink Glitter!

I thank you so much for taking a few minutes 
to stop in and let me share 
what's going on here..... are the best, Glitterinas!

I don't expect time to slow down 
at all, so I need to enjoy 
each and every day!

Have a lovely June.....and take a 
moment or two to relax.... good ol' Sarge!

Until next time,

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