Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Recipe For You!

I have a brussels sprouts 
recipe for you, Glitterinas!

Are these green veggies already on your 
"like" list....or sadly, on your 
"no way" list?

These little, green globes are usually available
all year long at your favorite grocery store, even
though they 
are a winter stock veggie.

The next time you make a grocery store run, pick up 
some brussels sprouts and give this recipe a try.

Refill your coffee cup, get comfy, and let me show 
you how I fix these little veggies 
for my family.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Give the sprouts a good wash and put them 
out on a cutting board.

Trim off the stem end....

My chicky girls will enjoy these trimmed off pieces,
so into their bowl they go!

Next, I cut each head in half....

Place the chopped parts into a bowl.

When the chopping is complete, it's time for the 

Add some seasoned bread crumbs, a touch of sea salt,

a splash of red wine vinegar, and some balsamic vinegar.

If your family likes the heat cranked up, add some crushed 
red pepper flakes.

Give it all a good stir.....

....and pour the mixture out on a baking sheet that's 
been misted with cooking spray.

Sprinkle on some more bread crumbs and a 
crank of fresh cracked pepper.

Place the baking sheet into the preheated oven.

Bake the brussels sprouts for 20-25 minutes.

Now, I'll set the table......if you join me much 
here at Pink Glitter, you know I 
 setting the table!

When the sprouts are ready....it's time for dinner!

I hope you'll give this recipe a try and add a new 
recipe to your family's favorite veggie list!

Thank you for joining me in my kitchen, Glitterinas!

I am so glad you took time from your busy day to 
check out what I'm up to lately......

Hugs and glitter,

P.S.  Please keep everyone impacted by all the natural 
disasters~ hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes 
in your daily prayers.

Please join me in praying for our 
leaders as they make decisions that effect 
each of us.


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