Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Christmas Wish For You!

Merry Christmas, Glitterinas!

Christmas Eve has arrived and it's hard to believe it's here.

This post will be light on words
filled with lots of best wishes for
you and your family and friends.

My Christmas wish is that your days are filled with
comfort and peace.

Touches of the holiday through the house.....

We love each card sent to us by friends!

We enjoy looking at them and reading the 
holiday greetings sent to us across the miles.

Christmas smiles....

.....and a truck full of holiday wishes....

.....are what we wish for you!

Baby Jesus' story is the true reason
for the season!

So, have a merry time....

.....and know that we wish you the very best!

Merry Christmas, Glitterinas!

Thank you so much for stopping by 
letting me share a little bit of 
Christmas cheer with you!


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Santa Banner.....Too Early?!

Poor ol' Thanksgiving....I always feel so sorry for this holiday when 
I see Christmas trees sparkling in the stores
before all the Halloween candy is even finished!

What about you, Glitterinas?

I love Thanksgiving!

I enjoy planning our family's 
big meal and a fun game or two....

I like to shop for all the yummy 
food we'll eat....

I love preparing all the food....I make a 
chart for the week of what I'll make on which day.

Please don't judge.....I love a good list!

I also LOVE Christmas!

Everything about it, basically.

Even more so since I've retired and 
have a much more flexible schedule.

A friend gave me a wonderful 
Mary Engelbreit Santa picture that she 
had, knowing I'd want it.....she's a 
keeper, that one!

I put it upstairs on my arts & crafts desk 
and promptly forgot about it.

Well, there it sat for a while....

.....and then one day I decided what I wanted to make out 
of dear ol' Santa's cute face......

.....a hanging sign.

Even though it's not 
Thanksgiving yet, I'm going to share my 
sign with you....

....it's Christmas-y and I love it!

So please forgive me, if you can,
Glitterinas, for getting a bit 
ahead of the calendar!

Here we go....

How cute is he?!

I trimmed up the picture and decided to mount 
it on red foam and then again on black foam.

I used some small, clear sticky 
squares to mount the paper on 
the first layer of foam.

These little squares stick like crazy.....and hold 
on tight!

Place them on.....and then peel off the 
square of paper on them....

.....position them carefully because there is 
NO moving the paper after they have touched 
what your fastening them to.

After attaching the picture to the red foam, I 
attached the red foam to a piece of black foam.

Now for a hanger....

a piece of black ribbon will work.

I chose some other ribbons to simply tie onto 
one side of the black hanging ribbon.

Snip, snip, snip.....clip some pieces of each 
ribbon choice.

Simple so far.....don't you think?!

I want to add some "littles" to 
hang on the side of my sign.

How about using some jingle bells?

I tied them on a short piece of ribbon....

......and added them to the bow.

I have a box of small doodads....so I 
checked my stash.

Oh.....look at these!

I liked these two little ornaments.....
so they each got a piece of ribbon and the gold 
ornament needed a bow.

Very festive!

I added two bows above the bells.

This sign is done!

So I hung it up to take a picture
and it was hanging all
lopsided......boo hiss!

Too much weight on the left side......


some weight needed to be added to the right side.

Hmmmmm, what to do?

Come on brain, don't fail me now.

Ah ha.....

Good ol' pennies to the rescue!
These were glued to the back.

Tah Dah!

Cute little Santa face sign ready 
to help decorate our house!

It will probably hang on a grapevine wreath
on the mantel for the holidays!

Something like this....

Now, I'll get back to the real time of the year 
that my calendar is showing me!

Thanks for letting me share this 
Christmas project with you, Glitterinas!

I bet you have a seasonal picture that you 
could use to make a holiday pretty 
to use when you decorate this year!

Please share a picture or a comment with me....
I love it when you do!

Until next time,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Again, With the Crafts......

One set of Halloween picks just 
wasn't enough this year!

I also found these circles of 
Halloween cuteness and decided they needed to 
hang out at our house!

I printed and trimmed them.....then chose some black and white
ribbon to add onto the picks.

Four picks, four bows.....

I decided to add a hit of Halloween color with buttons.....

......a quick dig through my button stash yielded these!

The biggest button needed the loop on the back
trimmed off......snip!
My needle nosed pliers are 
crazy handy.

Here are the black and white Halloween 
picks all put together.  

Circle picture,
seasonal paper on back.....

These turned out nicely.....
do you agree, Glitterinas?

Here's where they are parked for the season.

Witchy Poo flew off for the 
hall bathroom.....I guess she's the 
independent one!

If you are looking for a quick touch of 
Halloween to add to your seasonal decor
give picks a try.....

Please leave me a comment so I'll know you stopped by!

Thanks so much for letting me share 
these fun, simple craft ideas with you, Glitterinas!

You are the best,

Monday, October 21, 2019

Halloween Crafts!

Hello Glitterinas!

As I glance at the calendar I'm seeing the days until
Halloween getting fewer and fewer.

My sweet grandmother, MeeMee, used to tell me that as one gets 
older time goes by faster.

I used to tell her that sounded silly.....well, MeeMee,
you were right!

Wasn't it just the 4th of July?!

Good grief.....

This year I have really scaled back on my Halloween
decorations.  Not exactly sure why, I just have!

I have Fall things out in the house and I simple added 
a Halloween touch here and a little bit there.....

Something new this year is these cute 
pumpkin face guys.

They make me smile.....I love those big,
toothy grins and their vintage look.

I have never been a fan of scary Halloween....I'm too big a chicken 
to go in for that.

Silly Halloween, 

funny Halloween, 

and cute Halloween 

have always been my jam at this time of year.
(Do people still say "my jam"?) 

I downloaded these cute guys and printed them off.

I cut them out and glued seasonal paper to the top of 
the back of each pumpkin.....not sure where the pictures of these steps went!?

I left the bottom of the backing paper unglued.....

I needed to add some items....

.....like curly ribbon,

Here you can see how the bottom of the back paper wasn't glued.

First, I glued on the curly ribbon....

......then the long, bamboo pick.

Next, I cut some crepe paper.....
(I used my Martha Stewart fringing scissors.)

.....and rolled it into small sections.

Each pumpkin guy got some crepe paper, too!

Lastly, the front paper and back paper got glued together
at the bottom.

Until the crepe paper gets fluffed it looks like he has a goatee!

Tah Dah!!

Lather, rinse, repeat.....

I made four of these cute, little guys!

They are adding to our Halloween spirit around the house.....

Kinda cute, don't you think, Glitterinas?

I think older children could make these, don't you?

What Halloween touches, if any, do you add to your 

Leave me a note and let me know, please.

I really enjoy reading your thoughts about 
my posts!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Boo to you, Glitterinas,
