Thursday, August 3, 2017

It's a Picket Fence!

I bought a piece of old, chippy 
picket fence at an antique store many years ago.

The friend I was shopping with thought I had 
finally gone completely off the rails!

Where on Earth are you going to put that?!

Oh, you just wait and see......

Have you ever had a conversation like that with 
a shopping buddy, Glitterinas?

All these years later, I still love that piece 
of chippy ol' fence.

When we first moved into the house where
we live now, my old picket fence lived
on the screen porch.

I decided to move it inside to the
living room.....I dusted it off and brought it in.... stood in the kitchen while I decided exactly
where  it wanted to live in the living room.

Did it want to live by the front windows?

Or by the fireplace...

Or by the couch....

Well, I finally decided to put it in front of the 

My decorator in training helped me 
decorate the little picket fence with a 
wreath, a tall candlestick, a big sign, a small heart,
and a faux plant behind the fence.

I liked it.

When it was time to take her picture by the 
fence she had helped decorate......

little brother came over and wanted in the 
picture, too!

Little brother had his Incredible Hulk 
with him.....

.....he told me the pickets look like a place where the Hulk would live.
Hulk would squeeze through when it was time 
to save someone.....I got a demonstration, complete with 
sound effects and lots of arm flexing!

Hmmmmm, did I really want something decorating my 
living room that looked like a place where 
Hulk would live??!!

I decided that I did not!

I started looking for the next resting place of my 
little, chippy fence.

Would I put it back out on the screened 

It did look cute out there.....

....with the grapevine chair and table,

......with the Texas flag table,

....and the barn wood bench.

Hmmmmm, decisions, decisions.....

Oh wait.....

how would it look behind the library table 
in front of the dining room windows?

Let's give it a try there.....

....yes, this might look good!

I wonder what super hero would want to live 
in my dining room by the windows?

None of them, I hope!!

Here's another shot.....

......I think I like it here.

It adds just a small touch of chippy texture to the 
dining room!

What do you think, Glitterinas?

Thank you so much for stopping by
Pink Glitter 
and letting me share some 
decorating ideas with you.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to find Wonder Woman.

I have a question for her!

Until next time,

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