Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Our large, loving, noisy family combines 
Thanksgiving and Christmas
each year!

We have a feast and a time to be 
thankful combined with 
a visit from Santa and a gift exchange.

It's a day of busy, busy mixed with 
hugs, smiles, laughter,
visiting, eating and telling stories!

We know how to have a good time!

Let me show you.....

Moms, dads, 
sisters and brothers,
aunts and uncles,
nieces and nephews.....
in-laws and out-laws (hee hee)....

......everyone who can come is greeted with a 
big hug and a smile!

We miss those family members who are 
not able to be with us.

Big kids....

.....little kids....

.....some are inside, getting a huge meal ready....

.....and some are outside playing....

.....visiting and snacking....

.....this little miss is coloring a card to take to the 
nursing home.....

.....there are activities and fun enough for everyone!

Oh, and did I mention food?!

Tables and tables of food......we always laugh about how 
much food we bring!

When Santa arrives, there is always
a flurry of excitement!

Jumpy clapping and someone saying 
"It's Santa.....it's Santa!"

OK, that's usually me, 
but the children are glad to see him, too!

There are more hugs and then 
the children settle down, a little bit, 
for a story followed by stockings and gifts!

Santa is so thoughtful....
he will pose for picture after picture....

......not just the littles, either....

......here is my family with Mr. Claus!

Grand~darling wanted her picture taken 
with her new outfit....

......what a day!

Thank you, again, 
Christy and Donald 
for hosting us at your new home!

Whether your holiday celebration is 
crazy, crowded, loud and busy 


calm, quiet, peaceful and relaxed

I wish you a wonderfully,
Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for stopping by 
Pink Glitter 
letting me share my family celebration 
with you, Glitterinas !


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