Friday, March 17, 2017

Our Dining Room Table.......For Easter!

Hello, hello Glitterinas!

Thank you so much for opening this 
Pink Glitter post.

Today I want to share our dining room table 
that's ready to celebrate Easter.

I love Autumn and all her lovely colors.....
I love Christmas and celebrating Jesus' birth....

but Easter is a big deal in my heart!

Jesus loved me enough to actually die 
for, a sinner who falls short of 
my potential, every!

Then He triumphed over death and rose 
to live again and forever!

That needs to be celebrated.....every day!

But I only bring out all my Easter decorations 
each spring.

Baby chicks, bunnies, eggs all symbolize new life....
all the trees, shrubs, and flowers are ready for 
a new season, too!

The pastels of spring are the main colors I chose to decorate 
with on the dining table.....there are a few bright pops, too!

Let's look at the centerpiece that I'm calling 
my Easter explosion.

I started with a large, crackle glass hurricane 
pedestal vase.

I placed a mercury glass vase in it.....

and put silver, gauzy material 
around that to hide the stems.

Then, in went the long stems covered with small, pastel 
colored balls.....or since this is Easter,
let's call them eggs!

I added some metallic eggs on wire stems 
to fill in around the top of 
the crackle glass vase.

My Mom gave me these eggs a hundred years 
ago and they've been used in a hundred 
different Easter arrangements.

They are real work horses!

I added some curly-cues my 
sister-in-love gathered up for me.

Her hubs was trimming tin and she 
wondered if I wanted the curly pieces.....
ummm, yes please!

How cute are these little buggers?!

These were handled with much care....
I could just see a lovely, sliced finger!

A whole bag of these cuties were delivered to me 
by way of another kind 
brother-in-love, I'm blessed to have.

Three of these curly-cues went into 
this arrangement.....

they add a wonderful element of fun!

When I was happy and satisfied with what was 
in the vase, I wanted to add a bow to the base.

I love pretty ribbon!
I love tying bows on everything!

My sweet husband jokes that when I'm in decorating
mode he doesn't stand still around me 
or I'll tie a bow on him!

The ribbons I chose were-
a pale green, loose weave one,
a hot pink, tone on tone stripe one,
a pink and green plaid, picot one.

These should make a nice bow for my 
Easter explosion arrangement!

There we go....a nice finishing touch!

What do you think, Glitterinas?

Miss Bunny got a lovely bow, too!

Isn't that a sweet face?

She's got a beautiful, porcelain egg in 
her basket that my Mom painted for me 
over 20 years ago.

Mom also painted these smaller eggs.
They live in a glass fronted cabinet the rest of the 
year, and come out to really be enjoyed 
each Easter!

This year, they are on the dining table.

I finished off the table with a sparkly, blue egg 
garland just running around the 
other pieces on the table.

So, what do you think of my Easter explosion 
arrangement, Glitterinas?

Leave me a note and let me know what you think!

I'm so glad you stopped by and let me share 
this arrangement with you.

I'll share our little Easter tree and other 
decorations sprinkled around the house next time.

Until next time, Glitterinas....

He is Risen.....Amen!


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